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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Royal Little Memorial Fund
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Est. 1994 /
Field of Interest
Aline J. Simoens Memorial Fund
for pre-school aged underprivileged children
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Est. 1994 /
Field of Interest
Peter H. Simoens Memorial Fund
for pre-school aged underprivileged children
DonatePeter H. Simoens Memorial Fund
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Est. 1994 /
Field of Interest
Westminster Senior Center Fund
for elderly services in Providence
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Est. 1994 /
Michael F. Lovett Scholarship Fund
for scholarships for North Smithfield High School graduates
DonateMichael F. Lovett Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundNorman E. and Dorothy R. McCulloch Fund
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Est. 1994 /
Catherine T. Murray Scholarship Fund
for Ocean State Center for Independent Living
DonateCatherine T. Murray Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundDorothy D. Nelle Fund
Contribute to this fundJane S. Nelson Fund
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Est. 1994 /
Field of Interest
Joseph O'Neill Ott Fund
to preserve historical documents and records
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Est. 1994 /
Gwennie Anne Robbins Memorial Fund
for the Visiting Nurse Services of Newport