
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1994 / Donor Advised

Royal Little Memorial Fund


Royal Little Memorial Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

Aline J. Simoens Memorial Fund

for pre-school aged underprivileged children


Aline J. Simoens Memorial Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

Peter H. Simoens Memorial Fund

for pre-school aged underprivileged children


Peter H. Simoens Memorial Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

Westminster Senior Center Fund

for elderly services in Providence


Westminster Senior Center Fund

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Est. 1994 / Designated

Michael F. Lovett Scholarship Fund

for scholarships for North Smithfield High School graduates


Michael F. Lovett Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

Norman E. and Dorothy R. McCulloch Fund

for education


Norman E. and Dorothy R. McCulloch Fund

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Est. 1994 / Designated

Catherine T. Murray Scholarship Fund

for Ocean State Center for Independent Living


Catherine T. Murray Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1994 / Unrestricted

Dorothy D. Nelle Fund


Dorothy D. Nelle Fund

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Est. 1994 / Donor Advised

Jane S. Nelson Fund


Jane S. Nelson Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

Joseph O'Neill Ott Fund

to preserve historical documents and records


Joseph O'Neill Ott Fund

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Est. 1994 / Designated

Gwennie Anne Robbins Memorial Fund

for the Visiting Nurse Services of Newport


Gwennie Anne Robbins Memorial Fund

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Est. 1994 / Field of Interest

James G. Angell Fund

for disadvantaged persons


James G. Angell Fund

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