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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Helen Walker Raleigh Tree Care Trust Fund
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Est. 1995 /
Redgate Camp Davis Fund
for the Providence Boys & Girls Club's Camp Davis
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Contribute to this fundErnest and Mary A. Ritchie Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundAlbert H. Fuchs Trust
Contribute to this fundCharles Goss Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundHerschel and Suzanne Grossman Fund for Assisting Immigrants
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Est. 1995 /
Barbara S. Gwynne Shakespeare's Head Garden Fund
for maintenance of the garden
DonateBarbara S. Gwynne Shakespeare's Head Garden Fund
Contribute to this fundGeorge A. & Evelyn M. Ingleby Fund
Contribute to this fundFrancis B. Sargent MD Fund
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Est. 1995 /
Organization Endowment
United Way/Boss Family Fund for Learning Opportunities
for literacy programs as determined by the United Way
DonateUnited Way/Boss Family Fund for Learning Opportunities
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Est. 1995 /
Hans C. and Anna Weimar Fund
for the First Unitarian Church of Providence, Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island, and the Salvation Army
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Est. 1995 /
Field of Interest
Erskine N. White, Jr. and Eileen Lutz White Fund
for education for disadvantaged young people