
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1995 / Donor Advised

Patty and Melvin G. Alperin Fund


Patty and Melvin G. Alperin Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

Alperin Hirsch Family Fund

for the United Way of Rhode Island, Community Care Fund, to Shea Senior High School for scholarships to the top female and top male athlete, to the Rhode Island Scholarship Assistance Fund, and to Rhode Island for Community & Justice


Alperin Hirsch Family Fund

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Est. 1995 / Donor Advised

James E. Arcaro Fund


James E. Arcaro Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

Fern Brown Memorial Fund

for RI Meals on Wheels


Fern Brown Memorial Fund

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Est. 1995 / Donor Advised

Ann F. and Robert B. Conner Fund


Ann F. and Robert B. Conner Fund

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Est. 1995 / Donor Advised

Richard M. and Janice H. Field Fund


Richard M. and Janice H. Field Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

James J. Longolucco Scholarship Fund

for scholarships for Westerly High seniors


James J. Longolucco Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

J. Irving McDowell Fund

for the Brown University Division of Biology & Medicine


J. Irving McDowell Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

John Raymond Parker, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

for music scholarships at Rogers High School, Newport


John Raymond Parker, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

Nicholas Everett & Ann O. Picchione Fund

for the RISD Museum of Art, the Providence Preservation Society, and the RI Historical Society


Nicholas Everett & Ann O. Picchione Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

Roger E. Potter Fund

for the Cocumscussoc Assn., Gilbert Stuart Memorial, and Newport and Rhode Island historical societies


Roger E. Potter Fund

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Est. 1995 / Designated

Roger E. Potter Fund for the Rhode Island Historical Society

for the Society


Roger E. Potter Fund for the Rhode Island Historical Society

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