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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Allison N. Cathro Fund
Contribute to this fundSheila A. Duffy Fund
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Est. 1997 /
Priscilla Bateson Eldredge '40 - Middlebury College Fund
for the college
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Est. 1997 /
Organization Endowment
Lois Hamilton Fontaine Scholarship Fund of the Westerly College Club, Inc.
Lois Hamilton Fontaine Scholarship Fund of the Westerly College Club, Inc.
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Est. 1997 /
Field of Interest
Aldo Freda Scholarship Fund
for scholarships for legislative pages
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Contribute to this fundPeter Kaplan Memorial Fund for Trinity Rep
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Est. 1997 /
Field of Interest
John B. & Ruth L. Kilton Fund
to assist children, the elderly, or animals
DonateJohn B. & Ruth L. Kilton Fund
Contribute to this fundStanley & Martha Livingston Fund
Contribute to this fundHyman and Mollie Fishbein Fund
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Est. 1996 /
Field of Interest
George R. Frankovich Scholarship Fund
for scholarships in the field of jewelry making