
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1997 / Unrestricted

Allison N. Cathro Fund


Allison N. Cathro Fund

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Est. 1997 / Designated

Sheila A. Duffy Fund

for HopeHealth to train hospice nurses


Sheila A. Duffy Fund

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Est. 1997 / Designated

Priscilla Bateson Eldredge '40 - Middlebury College Fund

for the college


Priscilla Bateson Eldredge '40 - Middlebury College Fund

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Est. 1997 / Organization Endowment

Lois Hamilton Fontaine Scholarship Fund of the Westerly College Club, Inc.


Lois Hamilton Fontaine Scholarship Fund of the Westerly College Club, Inc.

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Est. 1997 / Field of Interest

Aldo Freda Scholarship Fund

for scholarships for legislative pages


Aldo Freda Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1997 / Organization Endowment

Peter Kaplan Memorial Fund for Trinity Rep


Peter Kaplan Memorial Fund for Trinity Rep

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Est. 1997 / Field of Interest

John B. & Ruth L. Kilton Fund

to assist children, the elderly, or animals


John B. & Ruth L. Kilton Fund

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Est. 1997 / Donor Advised

Stanley & Martha Livingston Fund


Stanley & Martha Livingston Fund

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Est. 1996 / Designated

Hyman and Mollie Fishbein Fund

for Miriam Hospital


Hyman and Mollie Fishbein Fund

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Est. 1996 / Field of Interest

George R. Frankovich Scholarship Fund

for scholarships in the field of jewelry making


George R. Frankovich Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1996 / Organization Endowment

Gordon Fund

for Gordon School

Est. 1996 / Designated

Ann W. Hack Memorial Fund

for the Woonsocket YMCA


Ann W. Hack Memorial Fund

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