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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Laura Mason Zeisler Fund
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Est. 1997 /
Al Morro Awards Fund
for recognition awards for Classical High School students and staff
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Est. 1997 /
Mullaney Fund
for Classical High School and Holy Name School graduates
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Contribute to this fundJohn C. Myrick Fund
Contribute to this fundEmily Nicholson Fund
Contribute to this fundRobert C. Nyman Fund
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Est. 1997 /
Organization Endowment
Emma and Ely Oppenheimer Fund
for United Way of Rhode Island for low-income Jewish causes and other charities
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Est. 1997 /
Field of Interest
Rhode Island Commission on Women/Freda H. Goldman Education Awards Fund
for scholarships for non-traditional students
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Est. 1997 /
RIBA/Dagata Scholarship Fund
for a scholarship program at New England Institute of Technology, URI, and RISD