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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Farnham Fund
Contribute to this fundJohn Manchester Miller Fund
Contribute to this fundMoore Fund - St. Thomas Church/Greenville Public Library
Contribute to this fundMoore Fund - unrestricted
Contribute to this fundPeace Dale Museum of Art and Culture Fund
Contribute to this fundWalter M. Oppenheim Fund
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Est. 1998 /
Organization Endowment
Naomi and Viola Osterman Fund
for the United Way of Rhode Island
DonateNaomi and Viola Osterman Fund
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Est. 1998 /
Raleigh-Providence Tree Care Trust Fund
for the Providence Parks Department to preserve Providence trees
DonateRaleigh-Providence Tree Care Trust Fund
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Est. 1998 /
Field of Interest
Rhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society Fund
for support of court-related historical activities
DonateRhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society Fund
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Est. 1998 /
Field of Interest
Edythe K. & Jane E. Richmond Memorial Cancer Fund
for cancer research