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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 1999 /
Margaret Chace Scholarship Fund
for Tiverton High School students pursuing music careers
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Est. 1999 /
George P. Clark and Vera J. Clark Fund
for scholarships for Chariho High School students
DonateGeorge P. Clark and Vera J. Clark Fund
Contribute to this fundClark Memorial Library Endowment Fund
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Est. 1999 /
Field of Interest
Edward F. Clement Memorial Fund
for disadvantaged Providence children
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Est. 1999 /
Field of Interest
Constant Memorial Fund
for scholarships for Aquidneck Island residents studying art or music
DonateConstant Memorial Fund
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Est. 1999 /
Dorcas Place Partners for Learning Fund
for the Dorcas Place Parent Literacy Center
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Est. 1999 /
Field of Interest
David Spalding Douglas Fund
for organizations serving the mentally ill
DonateDavid Spalding Douglas Fund
Contribute to this fundLorne A. Adrain Fund for Special Olympics
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Est. 1998 /
Field of Interest
Patty & Melvin Alperin First Generation Scholarship Fund
for scholarships to children whose parents did not attend college
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Est. 1998 /
Field of Interest
Beacon Brighter Tomorrows Fund
for scholarships for qualified Beacon Mutual applicants