
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1999 / Designated

Margaret Chace Scholarship Fund

for Tiverton High School students pursuing music careers


Margaret Chace Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

George P. Clark and Vera J. Clark Fund

for scholarships for Chariho High School students


George P. Clark and Vera J. Clark Fund

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Est. 1999 / Organization Endowment

Clark Memorial Library Endowment Fund


Clark Memorial Library Endowment Fund

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Est. 1999 / Field of Interest

Edward F. Clement Memorial Fund

for disadvantaged Providence children


Edward F. Clement Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Field of Interest

Constant Memorial Fund

for scholarships for Aquidneck Island residents studying art or music


Constant Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

Dorcas Place Partners for Learning Fund

for the Dorcas Place Parent Literacy Center


Dorcas Place Partners for Learning Fund

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Est. 1999 / Field of Interest

David Spalding Douglas Fund

for organizations serving the mentally ill


David Spalding Douglas Fund

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Est. 1998 / Donor Advised

Lorne A. Adrain Fund for Special Olympics


Lorne A. Adrain Fund for Special Olympics

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Est. 1998 / Field of Interest

Patty & Melvin Alperin First Generation Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to children whose parents did not attend college


Patty & Melvin Alperin First Generation Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1998 / Field of Interest

Beacon Brighter Tomorrows Fund

for scholarships for qualified Beacon Mutual applicants


Beacon Brighter Tomorrows Fund

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Est. 1998 / Designated

H. Martin Brown Memorial Fund

for the Central Congregational Church


H. Martin Brown Memorial Fund

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Est. 1998 / Donor Advised

Donald and Suzanne Carcieri Fund


Donald and Suzanne Carcieri Fund

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