
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1999 / Designated

Mary C. and Joseph E. Pucci Fund

to the Westerly Hospital Auxiliary and the Memorial and Library Association of Westerly


Mary C. and Joseph E. Pucci Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Raven Fund

Est. 1999 / Designated

Dr. Joseph L. C. and Mary P. Ruisi Fund

This fund will support the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, to award scholarships to students with financial need who are graduates of Westerly High School.


Dr. Joseph L. C. and Mary P. Ruisi Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

S. Stephen's Church Music Fund

for the church's music program


S. Stephen's Church Music Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Mary and Michael Schwartz Fund


Mary and Michael Schwartz Fund

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Est. 1999 / Field of Interest

Gertrude P. Scruggs Memorial Fund

for scholarships to Hispanic, Native American, or African-American students


Gertrude P. Scruggs Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

William H. Sheehan and Sandra A. Behar Memorial Fund


William H. Sheehan and Sandra A. Behar Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Unrestricted

Edith B. Soule Fund


Edith B. Soule Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

C. George Taylor Fund

for religious education at First Unitarian Church, Providence


C. George Taylor Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

Mattie A. Walcott Fund

for East Smithfield and Greenville public libraries


Mattie A. Walcott Fund

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Est. 1999 / Organization Endowment

Warwick Public Library Endowment Fund

to purchase books


Warwick Public Library Endowment Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Bosworth Fund
