
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Forer Family Fund


Forer Family Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

Carleton Goff Fund

for the Providence Art Club


Carleton Goff Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Golden Einhorn Family Fund


Golden Einhorn Family Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

David M. Golden Memorial Fund

for Classical High School


David M. Golden Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Henry Gonsalves Family Fund


Henry Gonsalves Family Fund

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Est. 1999 / Unrestricted

Griffiths Family Fund


Griffiths Family Fund

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Est. 1999 / Unrestricted

Ernest A. Harris Memorial Fund


Ernest A. Harris Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Donor Advised

Stephen M. Kaufman Memorial Fund


Stephen M. Kaufman Memorial Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

Susie Brown Kochhan Memorial Music Fund

for the First Baptist Church, Wickford, music program


Susie Brown Kochhan Memorial Music Fund

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Est. 1999 / Organization Endowment

MaGown-Roberts Endowment Fund

for scholarships for RI Air National Guardsmen and their families


MaGown-Roberts Endowment Fund

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Est. 1999 / Designated

Ted McConnon Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to graduates of Tolman High School


Ted McConnon Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1999 / Field of Interest

Stanley T. and Grace W. Moskwa Fund

to support the training of medical professionals


Stanley T. and Grace W. Moskwa Fund

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