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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Judith Alperin King and Timothy King Fund
Contribute to this fundRichard N. and Beverly E. Carr Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Beverly E. Carr Fund in Memory of Manola & Arthur Merrill & Estella & Edwin Hartley
Beverly E. Carr Fund in Memory of Manola & Arthur Merrill & Estella & Edwin Hartley
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Est. 2000 /
Arnold B. and Madelyn Collins Fund
for continuing education and/or in-service training for the nursing staff of the Pawtucket location of Kent Hospital and for Lincoln High School scholarships
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Est. 2000 /
Field of Interest
Horace and Reverend E. Naomi Craig Scholarship Fund
for middle and junior high school children to attend independent or parochial schools
DonateHorace and Reverend E. Naomi Craig Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundDirectors' Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Supporting Organization
Downcity Partnership Inc. Fund
to revitalize the Downcity neighborhood of Providence