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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2000 /
Harrison Yaghjian Fund
for the Newman Congregational Church in Rumford
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Est. 2000 /
Field of Interest
Sergeant Cornel Young Jr. Scholarship Fund
for scholarships for Providence public high school juniors who have overcome a serious obstacle
DonateSergeant Cornel Young Jr. Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Field of Interest
Miriam G. Frank Fund
for treatment of emotionally disturbed youth
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Est. 2000 /
Howard F. and Olga B. Gardiner Fund
for Rainbow Girls, DeMolay, and Shriners Hospital
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Est. 2000 /
Organization Endowment
GFWC Women's Club of South County Scholarship Fund
for the Club for scholarships
DonateGFWC Women's Club of South County Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundHalkyard Family Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Field of Interest
Rachel R. Harper and Philip R. Harper Fund
to support the protection and improvement of the environment and to improve the lives of women and children in need
DonateRachel R. Harper and Philip R. Harper Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Organization Endowment
Governor Stephen Hopkins House Capital Expenditure Fund
for support of the House
DonateGovernor Stephen Hopkins House Capital Expenditure Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Organization Endowment
Governor Stephen Hopkins House Endowment Fund
for upkeep of the House