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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
New England Wireless and Steam Museum Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Selma and Arthur Newman Fund
for a scholarship for a Pawtucket resident studying for a master's degree in social work at Rhode Island College
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Est. 2000 /
Organization Endowment
NSCDARI Endowment Fund
for the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
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Est. 2000 /
Organization Endowment
NSCDARI Reinvestment Fund
for the National Society of Colonial Dames of America
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Est. 2000 /
Field of Interest
RDW Group Communications Scholarship for People of Color
to support local people of color who are pursuing degrees in the communication field
DonateRDW Group Communications Scholarship for People of Color
Contribute to this fundDennis E. Stark & Robert F. Amarantes Fund
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Est. 2000 /
Martin L. and Charlotte H. Tarpy Fund
for the Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club