
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2001 / Donor Advised

Eric and Peggy Smith Family Fund


Eric and Peggy Smith Family Fund

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Est. 2001 / Designated

Charles Morris & Ruth H. T. Smith Fund

for Grace Church


Charles Morris & Ruth H. T. Smith Fund

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Est. 2001 / Organization Endowment

Socio-Economic Development Center for Southeast Asians Endowment Fund


Socio-Economic Development Center for Southeast Asians Endowment Fund

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Est. 2001 / Unrestricted

Cameron Duke Stebbins Memorial Fund


Cameron Duke Stebbins Memorial Fund

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Est. 2001 / Designated

Richard W. Szumita Memorial Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to Lincoln High School students


Richard W. Szumita Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2001 / Designated

Hope L. Thornton Fund

to support Rhode Island and Kent County hospitals and several animal shelters


Hope L. Thornton Fund

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Est. 2001 / Donor Advised

Vogel, Califano, Dimase, Iannuccilli Fund


Vogel, Califano, Dimase, Iannuccilli Fund

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Est. 2001 / Unrestricted

Lily Walsh Fund

Est. 2001 / Designated

Westerly Education Endowment Fund

for the public schools in Westerly


Westerly Education Endowment Fund

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Est. 2001 / Donor Advised

Maureen A. & Christopher D. White Memorial Fund


Maureen A. & Christopher D. White Memorial Fund

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Est. 2001 / Donor Advised

John J. and Eleanor Q. Wrenn Memorial Fund


John J. and Eleanor Q. Wrenn Memorial Fund

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Est. 2001 / Organization Endowment

Trinity Repertory Company General Endowment Fund


Trinity Repertory Company General Endowment Fund

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