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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2001 /
Helen E.B. Bromley Memorial Scholarship Fund
for scholarships to Attleboro High School graduates
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Est. 2001 /
C. Warren Bubier Fund
to benefit the Boy Scouts of America - Narragansett Council
DonateC. Warren Bubier Fund
Contribute to this fundMarjorie W. and George B. Bullock, Jr. Fund
Contribute to this fundBurke Bryant Family Fund
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Est. 2001 /
Samuel M. Cate Fund
for Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice, Friends of the Haffenreffer Museum of Brown University, and The Providence Community Health Center
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Est. 2001 /
Dr. Bruno DiClemente Scholarship Fund
for scholarships to Classical High School students
DonateDr. Bruno DiClemente Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2001 /
Edgar M. Docherty Memorial Fund
for the First Church of Christ Scientist and the Masonic Grand Lodge Charities of Rhode Island