
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2002 / Designated

Maria A. Forte-Tocco Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to North Providence and Cumberland high school graduates


Maria A. Forte-Tocco Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2002 / Donor Advised

Gladys Fund

Est. 2002 / Donor Advised

Gregson Foundation


Gregson Foundation

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Est. 2002 / Donor Advised

William Grimshaw Fund


William Grimshaw Fund

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Est. 2002 / Designated

Lynn M. Gunzberg Fund

for Planned Parenthood to prevent teen pregnancy


Lynn M. Gunzberg Fund

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Est. 2002 / Designated

Harvard Business School Association of Southeastern New England (HBSA-SNE) Fund


Harvard Business School Association of Southeastern New England (HBSA-SNE) Fund

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Est. 2002 / Designated

Lucille A. Moore Hennessey Fund

for youth activities at First Baptist Church, Pawtucket


Lucille A. Moore Hennessey Fund

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Est. 2002 / Designated

Ellen M. Jecoy Memorial Fund for St. Bernard's Endowment

for St. Bernard's Church, North Kingstown


Ellen M. Jecoy Memorial Fund for St. Bernard's Endowment

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Est. 2002 / Designated

Peter M. Keefe Junior Golf Memorial Fund

for junior golf at Button Hole


Peter M. Keefe Junior Golf Memorial Fund

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Est. 2001 / Designated

Alan Fox Fund for the Music School of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc.

for the Music School


Alan Fox Fund for the Music School of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc.

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Est. 2001 / Donor Advised

Edward and Jeannette Gatta Memorial Fund


Edward and Jeannette Gatta Memorial Fund

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Est. 2001 / Designated

Hans E. Gwinner and Berta E. Gwinner Fund

for scholarships to three colleges, and Kent County Hospital


Hans E. Gwinner and Berta E. Gwinner Fund

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