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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Helen E. Swanson Fund
Contribute to this fundGolden Tishman Family Fund
Contribute to this fundZitella Gallo Fund
Contribute to this fundEdward J. and Virginia M. Routhier Fund
Contribute to this fundEugenia Smetisko Fund
for the Museum of Russian History, Jordansville, NY
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Contribute to this fundJack and Patricia Smith Fund
Contribute to this fundDianne B. Snyder Memorial Fund
for scholarships to students at Bishop Stang High School, Dartmouth, MA, who plan to study elementary/ secondary education
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Contribute to this fundSouth County Ambulance & Rescue Corps Fund
to support health, mental health, and social service programs of non-profit charities in South Kingstown and Narragansett
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Contribute to this fundMiss Swinburne Fund
to support scholarships and charitable programs and services for women and girls in Newport County
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Contribute to this fundGeraldine Tower Education Fund
to provide scholarships at Rocky Hill School, St. George's School, and Moses Brown School
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Contribute to this fundBarbara M. Tufts Memorial Fund
for the Barbara M. Tufts Cooperative Preschool, East Greenwich
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Contribute to this fundWater Works for Women Fund
for the Women & Infants Development Foundation for breast cancer research