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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
J. Terrence Murray Fund
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Est. 2003 /
Field of Interest
Aquidneck Island Fund
to benefit Aquidneck Island nonprofits and people
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Contribute to this fundF. Remington Ballou Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2003 /
Field of Interest
Bristol Female Charitable Society Fund
to support charitable programs and services in the greater East Bay community of Rhode Island, with a preference for Bristol
DonateBristol Female Charitable Society Fund
Contribute to this fundHelen H. Buckley Fund
Contribute to this fundChariho Community Innovative Projects Fund
Contribute to this fundChopin Club Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2003 /
Congdon Fund for the Benefit of Grace Church in Providence
for Grace Church